PVC Drain Flange Coupling

399922 SH399922
4.3 out of 5 Customer Rating

PVC Drain Flange Coupling

399922 SH399922
4.3 out of 5 Customer Rating
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This PVC Drain Flange Coupling connects the waterproof membrane on a low-profile shower drain to the plumbing beneath. This durable connector is created specifically for tile floors and works with the following shower drains: Werner Square, Effendi Linear, Siewart Linear and Loup L-Shaped Linear.
  • Used to connect a flexible, rubber membrane between flooring and tile shower floor.
  • Connects 2-1/8" shower drain to waste pipe. Fits over 2-1/8" and inside 3" pipe.
  • Includes rubber gasket.
  • Made for use with Carmen (928028 & 927531), Cohen (927530 & 928029), Effendi (926148 & 928027), Loup (926146), Ortiz (928030), Siewart (926145), Thornton (928026), Reid (917170), or Werner (926147) Shower Drain, sold separately.

Product Type Shower Components
Material PVC
Weight (lbs) 0.3

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Trilogie Alt 1 SH399922
SKU 399922 399922
Component SKUs
Available 19942

